Entertainer Extraordinaire


When appearing before various groups, Naylor often used exaggerated facial expressions to accentuate his readings. His voice was strong and clear, his gestures expressive, and his enthusiasm put a zest into his evening’s work that won him many favorable reviews. His ability to pass so easily from the sublime to the ridiculous delighted his audiences. His two oldest daughters, Olive Nance and Lucile accompanied him for a number of years, and the other children made occasional appearances with their father on stage. Many testimonials appeared in contemporary newspapers during his active years as an entertainer confirming the public’s acceptance of his efforts.

"...the gifted Morgan County author and humorist, gave an entertainment which rivaled the best ever given in this city for merit, humor and the ready sympathy with the entertainer, evinced by the audience, which was at different times moved to laughter and sadness by the ready flow of phrases from the author."

Naylor with daughters Lucile and Olive Nance