Diary Entries


Dr. Naylor kept a diary for many years. Most entries were short. He commented on the weather, tidbits of interest, his family, and his work. Occasionally he revealed information that proved valuable to his biographer.

September 9, 1916 - Bright and cool; quite cool this eve. I wrote "After the Day--the Dark." Quite a lot of country folks in town. Streetcar strike on in New York; Wilson's "Peace at any price" with the railroad trainmen encouraged it.

September 8, 1916 - Partly cloudy; a few dry weather showers; cooler this eve; rain needed badly. I went down to see Charley Humbleton today. Two young men from Newark, canoeists, called on me tonight; they had read my books.

April 29, 1916 - Clear and a little warmer. A good many people in town today. I sold several subscriptions to the "Monitor;" also reviewed "Burton" song and returned it to Col. Glee Club. No important news.

April 28, 1916 - Partly cloudy; partly sunshiny; warmer but wind still cold. Town very quiet; war news scant and unsatisfactory. Got a find picture of Harding yesterday; sent it to have it framed today..

April 25, 1916 - Cloudy and cold. Olive went to Barnsville to give readings at I.O.O.P entertainment. Mexican situation and German affair still "up in the air." Oh, for a Roosevelt in the presidential chair.

November 25, 1907 - One more hazy day. I began "The Cumberland Stage." Stomach still on a strike! Dam it! Dr. Gatewood again called upon me; and we had a pleasant chat. Frank N. down tonight--playing phonograph!

October 21, 1907 - A fair, beautiful autumn day. Spent the day sending out adv. stuff and tickets for entertainments. Read a little proof of "Songs from the Heart of Things."